BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Helping a friend. A Baltimore County woman who lost her leg after the Boston Marathon bombing is getting some much needed financial help to cover the mounting medical bills.
Rochelle Ritchie explains how friends of Erika Brannock are stepping up to help.
Erika Brannock remains in a Boston hospital, recovering from her injuries. She’ll soon head to physical therapy. In the meantime, the man accused of causing her horrific injuries is in prison facing federal charges.
Preschool teacher Erika Brannock, 29, was just one of the hundreds of people injured during the Boston Marathon bombing.
The blast cost Brannock her leg and her cousin says it’s a daily struggle.
“Ups and downs. We have lots of struggles ahead, surgeries going on,” said Tina Shubert, victim’s cousin.
And medical bills.
Friends are coming together in Federal Hill to hold a fundraiser for the Brannock family. Erika’s sister also suffered serious injuries during the blast.
Friends say there are some things insurance just can’t buy.
“I can’t imagine the medical costs and everything else. I think this fundraiser is outstanding,” said Erica Leonard.
“We’re trying to put money towards her fund and help her out as her family has to adapt her house, adapt their lives, prosthetics,” said Ashley Cook.
As the healing journey begins for the Brannocks, the legal process is underway against 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. He and his brother, Tamerlan — who was killed during a shootout with police — are blamed for the attacks.
After an intense manhunt, Dzhokhar was found hiding in a boat. Three other people are now charged with getting rid of evidence and lying to investigators.
Brannock’s family says Erika will pull through with flying colors and turn tragedy into triumph.
“Her motto right now is she’s a strong cookie, and we’re going to keep that going. We’re Brannock strong and we’re just going to keep moving forward,” Shubert said.
Brannock hasn’t seen her sister since the attack, but she will see her once they start physical therapy together.
You can help the Brannock family by donating here.